classified under "fiction" 2nd place
Gabriele Lent with his story:
respectfull Every summer the cicadas.
Here, you could collect a dozen tons of cicadas would not have difficulty in obtaining alternative energy, clean as heaven of July. How? Rub those legs doing their noisy fucking on a strap connected to a dynamo. Moreover the results obtained from the "Ju. Jou. "(Jump Joule), a storage system of fleas jump to protect my reputation as a scientist and human being of my pockets for some time. But how to capture this pain in the ass? ... There are enough levargli summer. Not the first, not the second, the third summer may not more. So it is just to cover a large area of \u200b\u200bcountryside with cloth with a mesh of liquid nitrogen. But where do I find all quell'azoto? Ah, there are a forest of carnivorous plants: the sun is free for all that water just distilled it rains a lot, and if it does not rain, patience, tomorrow I will have a new idea to guide me.
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